Cleanaway Waste Management Ltd. (ASX:CWY)


 -0.01 (-0.382%)
28/03/2025 04:10:47 PM
Hammer Bearish HALO Small HALO Ords HALO Dividend Growth HALO 200 +3
Consensus Score
Target Price
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CWY Overview

CWY Health Scores

Short Term

Mean Reversion





Very Weak

Halo Model





MQV Small














Very Weak


Capital Efficiency


Balance Sheet

Very Strong

About CWY




Cleanaway Waste Management Ltd. engages in the provision of total waste management, industrial, and environmental services. It operates through the following segments: Solid Waste Services, Industrial and Waste Services, and Liquid Waste and Health Services. The Solid Waste Services segment includes the collection, recovery, and disposal of all types of solid waste, including putrescible waste, inert waste, household waste, and recovered waste. The Industrial and Waste Services segment consists of a variety of services provided to the infrastructure, industrial, and resources market, which include drain cleaning, non-destructive digging, vacuum loading, high pressure cleaning, pipeline maintenance, and CCTV. The Liquid Waste and Health Services segment is involved in the collection, treatment, processing, refining and recycling, and destruction of hazardous and non-hazardous liquids, hydrocarbons and chemical waste, specialised product destruction, hazardous waste and e-waste, provision of services to the health sector for the safe treatment and disposal of health related waste which includes sharps management, medical waste, pharmaceutical waste, healthcare hazardous waste, and quarantine waste. The company was founded by Terrence Elmore Peabody in August 1987 and is headquartered in Melbourne, Australia.

CWY Price Chart

Key Stats

Market Cap






Dividends Overview

DIV Yield




Ex Dividend Date (est.)


Market Data

52 weeks range

Low 2.47 - 3.01

Trade Value (12mth)


1 week


1 month




1 year


All time high


Key Fundamentals

EPS 3 yr Growth




Operating Cashflow


Free Cash Flow Return




Interest Coverage


Quick Ratio


Other Data

Shares on Issue (Fully Dilluted)


HALO Sector

Next Company Report Date


Ex Dividend Date (est.)


Next Dividend Pay Date (est.)


Reporting Currency


Short Sell (% of issue)


CWY Announcements

Latest Announcements

Date Announcements

25 March 25

Change in substantial holding


Change in substantial holding

20 March 25

ASX & Media Release Acquisition of Contract Resources


ASX & Media Release Acquisition of Contract Resources

20 March 25

Presentation - Acquisition of Contract Resources


Presentation - Acquisition of Contract Resources

18 March 25

Update - Dividend/Distribution - CWY


Update - Dividend/Distribution - CWY

13 March 25

Becoming a substantial holder


Becoming a substantial holder

07 March 25

Ceasing to be a substantial holder


Ceasing to be a substantial holder

25 February 25

Becoming a substantial holder


Becoming a substantial holder

19 February 25

Appendix 4D and Consolidated Financial Report


Appendix 4D and Consolidated Financial Report

19 February 25

Dividend/Distribution - CWY


Dividend/Distribution - CWY

19 February 25

Half Year Results ASX & Media Release and Presentation


Half Year Results ASX & Media Release and Presentation

05 February 25

Fire at St Marys' Liquids and Technical Services site


Fire at St Marys' Liquids and Technical Services site

21 January 25

Becoming a substantial holder


Becoming a substantial holder

13 January 25

Notification regarding unquoted securities - CWY


Notification regarding unquoted securities - CWY

13 January 25

Notification of cessation of securities - CWY


Notification of cessation of securities - CWY

09 January 25

Change in substantial holding from CGF


Change in substantial holding from CGF

20 December 24

Cleanaway and LMS announce Joint Venture


Cleanaway and LMS announce Joint Venture

13 December 24

Robert Cole Retirement


Robert Cole Retirement

20 November 24

Application for quotation of securities - CWY


Application for quotation of securities - CWY

14 November 24

AXX:Cleanaway's acquisition of Citywide Waste raise concerns


AXX:Cleanaway's acquisition of Citywide Waste raise concerns

14 November 24

Update regarding Citywide Waste acquisition


Update regarding Citywide Waste acquisition

13 November 24

Robert Cole has taken temporary leave


Robert Cole has taken temporary leave

06 November 24

Notification regarding unquoted securities - CWY


Notification regarding unquoted securities - CWY

06 November 24

Appendix 3Y Mark Schubert


Appendix 3Y Mark Schubert

25 October 24

AGM Address by Chair and CEO and reiterated FY25 guidance


AGM Address by Chair and CEO and reiterated FY25 guidance

25 October 24

CWY 2024 AGM - Meeting Results


CWY 2024 AGM - Meeting Results

CWY Fundamentals

Per Share Records

Historical data

Forecast data

AUD 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024 2025 2026 2027
Per Share, Growth & Valuations
EPS (Basic) $ Lock Lock Lock Lock 0.04 0.01 0.07 Lock Lock Lock
EPS (Fully Diluted) $ Lock Lock Lock Lock 0.04 0.01 0.07 Lock Lock Lock
     Growth % Lock Lock Lock Lock -46.2 -74.2 617.3 Lock Lock Lock
     PE X Lock Lock Lock Lock 39.0 38.9 37.8 Lock Lock Lock
     EV/EBITDA X Lock Lock Lock Lock 12.5 10.8 11.1 Lock Lock Lock
CFPS $ Lock Lock Lock Lock 0.22 0.21 0.28 Lock Lock Lock
FCFPS $ Lock Lock Lock Lock 0.06 0.00 0.03 Lock Lock Lock
     Growth % Lock Lock Lock Lock 1.6 -4.4 32.7 Lock Lock Lock
     Yield % Lock Lock Lock Lock 2.2 0.2 1.1 Lock Lock Lock
DPS $ Lock Lock Lock Lock 0.05 0.05 0.05 Lock Lock Lock
     Growth % Lock Lock Lock Lock 6.5 0.0 2.0 Lock Lock Lock
     Yield % Lock Lock Lock Lock 1.7 1.8 1.7 Lock Lock Lock
     Payout Ratio % Lock Lock Lock Lock 129 200 71 Lock Lock Lock
BPS $ Lock Lock Lock Lock 1.27 1.32 1.34 Lock Lock Lock
BPS (Tangible) $ Lock Lock Lock Lock -0.21 -0.06 -0.03 Lock Lock Lock
     Growth % Lock Lock Lock Lock -238.5 72.1 46.3 Lock Lock Lock
Shares Outstanding
Diluted m Lock Lock Lock Lock 2,081 2,220 2,236 Lock Lock Lock
Basic m Lock Lock Lock Lock 2,074 2,213 2,228 Lock Lock Lock

Financial Records

Historical data

Forecast data

AUD 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024 2025 2026 2027
Income Statement
Sales $m Lock Lock Lock Lock 2,969 3,507 3,700 Lock Lock Lock
     Growth % Lock Lock Lock Lock 25.2 18.1 5.5 Lock Lock Lock
Selling & General Expenses $m Lock Lock Lock Lock 161 262 226 Lock Lock Lock
Gross Income $m Lock Lock Lock Lock 328 365 481 Lock Lock Lock
     Growth % Lock Lock Lock Lock 3.8 11.1 31.7 Lock Lock Lock
     Margin % Lock Lock Lock Lock 11.1 10.4 13.0 Lock Lock Lock
Cost of Goods Sold to Sales % Lock Lock Lock Lock 89 90 87 Lock Lock Lock
EBITDA $m Lock Lock Lock Lock 534 536 701 Lock Lock Lock
     Growth % Lock Lock Lock Lock 6.9 0.5 30.6 Lock Lock Lock
     Margin % Lock Lock Lock Lock 18.0 15.3 18.9 Lock Lock Lock
Depreciation & Amortisation $m Lock Lock Lock Lock 329 382 388 Lock Lock Lock
EBIT $m Lock Lock Lock Lock 204 155 313 Lock Lock Lock
     Growth % Lock Lock Lock Lock -6.9 -24.2 102.2 Lock Lock Lock
     Margin % Lock Lock Lock Lock 6.9 4.4 8.5 Lock Lock Lock
Pretax Income $m Lock Lock Lock Lock 117 34 232 Lock Lock Lock
Income Taxes $m Lock Lock Lock Lock 36 10 68 Lock Lock Lock
Net Income $m Lock Lock Lock Lock 79 22 157 Lock Lock Lock
     Growth % Lock Lock Lock Lock -45.7 -72.6 625.0 Lock Lock Lock
     Margin % Lock Lock Lock Lock 2.7 0.6 4.2 Lock Lock Lock
Cash Flow Statement
Net Operating Cash Flow $m Lock Lock Lock Lock 467 483 543 Lock Lock Lock
Capital Expenditures $m Lock Lock Lock Lock 263 386 403 Lock Lock Lock
Net Investing Cash Flow $m Lock Lock Lock Lock -774 -549 -460 Lock Lock Lock
Net Financing Cash Flow $m Lock Lock Lock Lock 304 102 -64 Lock Lock Lock
Free Cash Flow $m Lock Lock Lock Lock 210 113 173 Lock Lock Lock
     Growth % Lock Lock Lock Lock 12.4 -46.2 52.9 Lock Lock Lock
     Margin % Lock Lock Lock Lock 0.1 0.0 0.0 Lock Lock Lock
Franking Balance $m Lock Lock Lock Lock 0 5 0 Lock Lock Lock
Balance Sheet
Cash & Short-Term Investments $m Lock Lock Lock Lock 66 102 121 Lock Lock Lock
Total Assets $m Lock Lock Lock Lock 5,849 6,073 6,372 Lock Lock Lock
Long Term Debt $m Lock Lock Lock Lock 1,583 1,491 1,622 Lock Lock Lock
Net Debt $m Lock Lock Lock Lock 1,617 1,487 1,611 Lock Lock Lock
Total Liabilities $m Lock Lock Lock Lock 3,220 3,128 3,371 Lock Lock Lock
Equity $m Lock Lock Lock Lock 2,625 2,942 2,997 Lock Lock Lock
Invested Capital Lock Lock Lock Lock 4,208 4,432 4,619 Lock Lock Lock
     Growth % Lock Lock Lock Lock 15.9 5.3 4.2 Lock Lock Lock
Return Ratios
Return on Assets % Lock Lock Lock Lock 1.3 0.4 2.5 Lock Lock Lock
Return on Equity % Lock Lock Lock Lock 3.0 0.7 5.2 Lock Lock Lock
Return on Total Capital % Lock Lock Lock Lock 5.1 3.5 6.8 Lock Lock Lock
Return on Invested Capital % Lock Lock Lock Lock 2.0 0.5 3.5 Lock Lock Lock
Cash Flow Return on Invested Capital % Lock Lock Lock Lock 11.9 11.2 12.0 Lock Lock Lock

Ratios Records

Historical data

Forecast data

AUD 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024 2025 2026 2027
Interest Cover X Lock Lock Lock Lock 13.1 7.5 7.9 Lock Lock Lock
Debt to EBITDA X Lock Lock Lock Lock 3.0 2.8 2.3 Lock Lock Lock
Net Debt to Equity % Lock Lock Lock Lock 61.6 50.6 53.8 Lock Lock Lock
Current Ratio X Lock Lock Lock Lock 0.7 0.8 0.8 Lock Lock Lock
Quick Ratio X Lock Lock Lock Lock 0.7 0.8 0.7 Lock Lock Lock
Cash & ST Inv/Current Assets % Lock Lock Lock Lock 10.1 14.3 15.5 Lock Lock Lock
CFO/Current Liabilities % Lock Lock Lock Lock 52.0 54.5 54.3 Lock Lock Lock
Balance Sheet Efficiency
Receivables Turnover X Lock Lock Lock Lock 6.5 6.5 6.7 Lock Lock Lock
Inventory Turnover X Lock Lock Lock Lock 108.2 108.5 72.0 Lock Lock Lock
Working Capital Turnover X Lock Lock Lock Lock 0.0 0.0 0.0 Lock Lock Lock
Payables Turnover X Lock Lock Lock Lock 7.4 6.5 6.4 Lock Lock Lock
Asset Turnover X Lock Lock Lock Lock 0.5 0.6 0.6 Lock Lock Lock
Du Pont
Asset Turnover X Lock Lock Lock Lock 0.5 0.6 0.6 Lock Lock Lock
x Pretax Margin % Lock Lock Lock Lock 4.0 1.0 6.3 Lock Lock Lock
= Pretax Return on Assets % Lock Lock Lock Lock 2.0 0.6 3.6 Lock Lock Lock
x Tax Rate Complement (1-Tax Rate) % Lock Lock Lock Lock 30.4 28.8 29.2 Lock Lock Lock
Return on Assets % Lock Lock Lock Lock 1.3 0.4 2.5 Lock Lock Lock
x Equity Multiplier (Assets/Equity) % Lock Lock Lock Lock 2.2 2.1 2.1 Lock Lock Lock
Return on Equity % Lock Lock Lock Lock 3.0 0.7 5.2 Lock Lock Lock
x Earnings Retention (1-Payout) % Lock Lock Lock Lock -28.9 -400.0 28.9 Lock Lock Lock
= Reinvestment Rate (%) % Lock Lock Lock Lock -0.9 -2.9 1.5 Lock Lock Lock
Operating Cycle
Days of Inventory on Hand Days Lock Lock Lock Lock 3.4 3.4 5.1 Lock Lock Lock
+ Days of Sales Outstanding Days Lock Lock Lock Lock 55.9 56.4 54.7 Lock Lock Lock
Operating Cycle Days Lock Lock Lock Lock 59.2 59.8 59.8 Lock Lock Lock
- Days of Payables Outstanding Days Lock Lock Lock Lock 25.4 25.8 26.0 Lock Lock Lock
Net Operating Cycle Days Lock Lock Lock Lock 33.8 34.0 33.8 Lock Lock Lock


Key Stats

Ex Dividend Date (est.)


DIV Yield


Franking Level




Quality Yield


Falling Divs over next 2


Expected Dividend Cashflow

Dividend Clarity,

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Values and Recommendations

Key Stats

Consensus Score




EPS 1 month Change


Quality Yield


Falling Divs over next 2


Halo Consensus Score

Lock Chart

PEG Ratio

Lock Chart

Consensus EPS Revisions

Lock Chart

Short selling

Key Stats

Percent of Issue


Value ($M)


Prior Change


7 Day Change


1 Month Change


3 Month Change



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CWY Shortsell

Frequently Asked Questions

The current share price of Cleanaway Waste Management Ltd. (CWY:ASX) is AU$2.61.
The 52-week high share price for Cleanaway Waste Management Ltd. (CWY:ASX) is AU$3.01.
The 52-week low share price for Cleanaway Waste Management Ltd. (CWY:ASX)? is AU$2.47.
The current TTM dividend payout for Cleanaway Waste Management Ltd. (CWY:ASX) is 1.70.
The last dividend payment of Cleanaway Waste Management Ltd. (CWY:ASX) is AU$0.03.
Cleanaway Waste Management Ltd. (CWY:ASX) has a franking level of 100.0%.
Cleanaway Waste Management Ltd. (CWY:ASX) is classified in the Industrials.
The current P/E ratio for Cleanaway Waste Management Ltd. (CWY:ASX) is 37.80.